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Pastel Candy Girl


I've been pretty MIA from real life and virtual life cause I've discovered something totally awesome!

Digital art on the iPad!

OMG I cannot stress how I miss drawing so so much!

For the past 3-ish years in Australia, I always felt empty. Finally drawing has ignited my passion again and somehow I feel excited to wake up and draw draw draw!

On the hindsight, I've been ignoring the bf cause I'm reading or drawing every waking moment. I have no desire to go out at all and I think it's driving bf nuts.

Oh well... Lol!

Anyway, here's something I drew while learning the ropes of digital art, which is wayyyy more fun than traditional art!

Feeling generous as all, I've also uploaded a some process pictures!

In the spirit of the pastel candy trend, I name her Candace.

She was kind of a copy of Arrow Girls by Peppeisel on deviantart.

I was telling my brother how I really wanted to grasp the ropes of digital art but I had no idea where to start. He gave me a WTF-you-so-stupid-look (I was really scared), leaned over my laptop and typed 'Line Art' on the deviantart search. He then proceeded to look incredibly serious and pointed at the screen and said 'Start here'.

And the rest was history.

I copied the drawing the best I could but I decided to colour her a different way. (The original was really vivid and strong)

Sooo... That's how Candice was created! Heeee...


♡ ♡ 


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