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The Crime Of The Hour

     In Chicago, that famously tranquil and racially harmonious city, Four black teenagers kidnapped and tortured a young retarded white man. They spent between 24 and 48 hours at it. By now you’ve already read about it...including the pronouncement of Don Lemon, ignorant and talentless (but black!) MSNBC personality, that it wasn’t a hate crime and the Chicago Police Department’s proclamation that it wasn’t racially motivated.

     Don’t try to tell me it wasn’t racially motivated. Don’t try to tell me it wasn’t a hate crime.

     There’s more, of course. Various...persons – black, of course – have leaped to the microphones to tell us that blacks can’t be racists, that they can’t commit hate crimes against whites. University “Black Studies” departments are already weaving apologias for this atrocity into their syllabi. And the Left, Inc., is working the bellows of White Guilt to persuade us, against all the dictates of Reason and Evidence, that we somehow had it coming...for not paying reparations, for electing Donald Trump to the presidency, or for God knows what.

     Various other persons – mostly white – surge forward to tell me “they’re not all like that.” Glory be to God, shouldn’t I be expected to know that? I’ll shortly be 65 years old. I’ve had friends, acquaintances, and colleagues from all the races and ethnicities of the world. If anyone should know that the members of some racial category aren’t all identical, surely I should – and I do. But really:

  • How long ago did you last read about whites doing something like this to a black?
  • Did the media try to downplay it, or was it blasted at us on the front page, above the fold?
  • Did “leaders of the white community” attempt to characterize it as something other than it was?

     Yet people still approach me and say, more or less in these words, “How can you, so intelligent, so erudite, and so civilized, who take infinite care over every single word you commit to pixels, openly and unabashedly style yourself a racist?”

     I’ve given up trying to explain it to them. Eyes are no use to those who refuse to see. Ears are no use to those who refuse to hear.

     If you have 24 minutes, suffer along with Stefan Molyneux:

     It’s a lot to take, I know. But how much worse was it for the victim of that crime? How much worse was it for Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom? How much worse is it for the thousands of annual victims of violent crimes – murder, rape, assault – committed by blacks against whites? And how many violent black-against white incidents – some not as heinous, some worse – are there that we don’t hear about, because the press won’t report them because they would “worsen racial tensions?”

     The reasons no longer matter. The facts are as they are. The races must live apart. There’s no longer any rational dispute about it. We’ve tried it the other way, and this is what we’ve reaped.

     “White guilt” must cease to be a political force and become a laugh line.

     I always catch flak for such a column as this. I no longer care. In my universe, either you acknowledge the visible, audible, tangible facts or you’re an obstruction if not worse. You don’t try to persuade others that what they’ve seen and heard didn’t really happen...or that it’s “the legacy of slavery”...or that the solution is to pour your treasure into the pockets of bureaucrats, supposedly to be used for “affirmative action” or “racial uplift.”

     Listen to Brigitte Gabriel, upon being challenged by a Muslim during a colloquy on the Benghazi atrocity of September 11, 2012:

     The very same logic applies to Negroes in these United States. The peaceful majority are irrelevant. It’s a greater tragedy than anything in history that didn’t result in a world war or a Communist revolution. Yet there it is...and there’s nothing we can do about it but part company.

     We can wish one another well.
     We can be sad that “it turned out this way.”
     We can pore through history looking for the nexus.

     What we can’t do is change the facts as they are – or the ravening racial hatred, among blacks toward whites, that has given rise to them.

     “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damned fool about it.” – Thomas Sowell.


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