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Cle de Peau Beaute Intensive Facial Contour Serum

Been using this 4mL 0.13oz. tube of Cle de Peau Beaute Intensive Facial Contour Serum for a month now after finally finished up the burnt-rubber smelling DDF Amplifying Elixir. This was a part of an older set of samples from E(vil)bay, which I bought solely for the cute little glass bottles the Gentle Nourishing Emulsion as well as the Gentle Balancing Lotion came in ^.^

This sample set (left) includes, from left to right, the Gentle Balancing Lotion 15mL/0.5fl oz., Gentle Cleansing Foam 10mL/0.38oz., this Intensive Facial Contour Serum 4mL/0.13oz., and Gentle Nourishing Emulsion 6mL/0.20fl oz.
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