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Coffee Date with Bella Vintage

This week flew by so quickly! We arrived back on Monday from Sacramento, Tuesday was spent doing laundry for the family (we've been out of town, on business trips for the past THREE WEEKS, that's A TON of laundry!) and later on a dentist appointment for the kiddo, Wednesday I met with the lovely Gisela from Bella Vintage at La Mill Coffee Boutique in Silver Lake.

Gisela got the most amazing looking "Cream Brulee" latte, it literally had a burnt sugar foam on top. (Jealous was I, yes, yes) but I did go for a safe bet, a plain latte.


Gisela was such a sweetheart! We both have daughters (hers is 13, mine is 12) who are both into fashion but follow their own little styles. Her daughter's name is Zoe and my stepdaughter's name is Chloe! Isn't that a happy chance?

On Thursday I had a lovely 1940s inspired photoshoot with Caitlin Bellah that will hopefully appear in a magazine soon! I'm so excited for the photos!

And yesterday, what I thought was going to be a quick pop into FedEx to pick up a most important package turned into a 6.5 mile WALK to Koreatown in 90 degree heat. I meant to get work done for my kiddo's birthday party this afternoon, but I passed out on the bed with my workout clothes still on.

My poor vintage shop has been so neglected, I did add a few little vintage goodies yesterday, but trust me, I have so MUCH more to post up along with lots of lovely new pictures to share of my latest styling jobs!

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